Look after your hearing aid, and it will look after you. But many people will often wonder when hearing aids should be replaced. Hearing aids will not last forever, so when is the best time to get new hearing aids?

What is the general rule for replacing hearing aids?

Most audiologists recommend people replace hearing aids approximately every five to six years. However, this depends on the individual. The most appropriate time to replace the hearing aid will depend on a number of factors. These can include the following:

How often do I need to repair my current hearing aids?

As hearing aids generally get sent back every two or three years for refurbishment and small repairs are conducted by the audiologist approximately every six months, if you find the hearing aids begin to malfunction with age or the technology is older it might be better for you to purchase newer hearing aids instead of paying for repairs every time.

What is my financial situation?

It is something that we all need to address. Certain hearing aids can be out of our price range. But you must make sure if you can afford a newer model at this time, or if you can wait and save up for something that will last longer.

Do I just need to reprogram my current hearing aids?

Hearing aids are set to your specific prescription and it may very well be the case that your hearing has deteriorated. Even if it has resulted in you losing a couple of higher-pitched sounds, your audiologist can check that the hearing aids are meeting your prescription by performing what is called a real ear measurement. In addition, your audiologist may conduct what is known as a test box measurement, where the hearing aids are measured to see if they are meeting the specifications. When you decide if you need to reprogram your hearing aids, you have to look at how long it has been since they were fitted initially. If it has been over two years since your hearing was tested, this may be a better approach rather than trying to fix your hearing aid.

Are the hearing aids addressing my needs right now?

Your life may have changed since your initial hearing test and hearing aid fitting. You may work in a new job or your social situation has changed significantly. It’s important to look at your life now in conjunction with when you first were fitted with hearing aids. While your hearing can gradually diminish over time even if you wear hearing aids, it may very well be that you need more advanced technology to suit your lifestyle. After all, our situation will change on a regular basis and after wearing a certain type of hearing aids for many years, the simple solution may very well be that you need a new hearing device. Many people wonder if they need to replace their hearing aids. Your hearing aid won’t last forever but it may last longer than others depending on the type of hearing aid it is, as well as how well you care for it. Consider these questions, and you will come to a satisfactory conclusion.