Many problems related to the tonsils can be remedied with medication, but if you’re having repeated tonsil issues, then your ENT doctor may recommend surgery. Tonsil surgery is a common procedure that is unlikely to have too many severe side-effects, but it’s still likely that you’ll experience some sort of discomfort in the days and weeks following the procedure.

This is normal for any surgical procedure, and that includes tonsil surgery. The good news is that there are plenty of things you can do to ensure that your recovery is relatively smooth sailing.

Eat soft foods

It’s possible that you’ll find it difficult to eat, especially in the first few days following surgery. In the immediate aftermath, you may only want to drink water before moving onto soft foods like soup and oatmeal. From there, you can slowly begin to build your way up to harder foods.

Ice-cream is especially recommended for post-tonsil surgery recovery since it can help reduce the swelling. Many people lose some weight after tonsil surgery, so it’ll be a good idea to come up with a plan to regain the weight once you’re fully covered.

Get plenty of rest

Most people find that they’re fully recovered from their tonsil surgery around one to two weeks following the procedure. In the days following the surgery, be sure to have a clear schedule, so all you must do is sit back and rest. This will mean spending a few days on the couch, giving your body the rest, it needs to recover.

While you might be tempted to go back to work or exercise, these things are to be avoided, especially the latter. If you do feel like you need to move a little, then you should stick to light walks.

Pain medication

While it’s unlikely that the pain you feel will be too severe, it’s possible that you’ll have some light pain during the recovery. To combat this issue, look at stocking up on some pain medication so that you can keep the pain away. Over the counter medication will be fine. If you feel that your pain is greater than it should be, or you’re noticing anything else unusual, then you should get in touch with your doctor.

Create a pleasant bedroom

It can be a little more difficult to get a full night’s sleep after tonsil surgery since you’ll be more likely to breathe through your mouth and snore. One way to minimize the chance of this happening is to have a humidifier in your room. People also often find it more difficult to sleep following surgery because they have been inactive all day. Meditating before you go to bed and creating a relaxing, clutter-free room can put you in the right frame of mind.