ENT Services

Grand Rapids ENT handles medical conditions relating to the ear, nose and throat. This includes major and minor issues that cause problems with other areas of the body. Otolaryngologists are ENT specialists that excel in recommending the right tests so that their patients get detailed results. Solutions are available for patients of all ages, even children.

Overview of ENT Services

A patient’s condition determines what services would be the most beneficial. Grand Rapids ENT provides minor and major solutions when needed. Untreated ENT issues develop into major problems that can be life threatening. By coming in for a checkup before the first warning sign appears, patients will receive accurate results.


Chronic Sinusitis:  Nasal congestion and drainage 

Antibiotics and steroids help to reduce the side effects of Chronic Sinusitis. Balloon sinus dilation is an option and is a procedure that can be done in a day.

Rhinitis: Sneezing, fatigue and runny nose

Also known as Hay Fever, Rhinitis can be avoided by keeping away from allergic triggers. Medication in the intranasal corticosteroids class has proven to be effective for stopping symptoms.


Ear InfectionSore throat, stuffy nose, fever and earache

Common in children, but also occurs in adults. If bacteria cause the infection, then antibiotics are prescribed. Non-bacterial infections are treated with myringotomy.

Earwax Removal: Earaches, partial hearing loss, itching and even Tinnitus

Earwax removal is necessary when bad symptoms become a daily occurrence.

Otologic Disorders and Treatment

Swimmer’s EarFever, decreased hearing and intense pain

Also known as acute, otitis externa, swimmer’s ear is remedied with a scheduled cleaning. Antibiotics are used when the infection has reached later stages.

VertigoDizziness, loss of balance and nausea

The Epley maneuver is one way to get rid of minor cases of Vertigo. More serious cases will need prochlorperazine and antihistamines.

Head and Neck

Parotid Glands

Parotid glands are the largest of the salivary glands. Humans have two parotid glands which are located on either side of the mouth just in front of each ear.

Problems of the TonguePain, swelling and tongue discolorations

Usually, tongue problems point to other issues with the body. Any symptoms related to ENT health are dealt with before they become severe.

Skin Cancer 

Skin cancer is the abnormal growth of skin cells and is usually found on areas of the skin which have had sun exposure.

Swollen GlandsSwelling, pain and possible tumors

Antibiotics, based on the source of the infection. If the infection is caused by cancer, then the cancer is treated.


Thyroid and parathyroid glands are endocrine glands which are located in the base of the neck. These glands produce hormones to help regulate the physiological functions in your body such as metabolism.


SinusitisStuffy/Runny nose and pressure/pain in the face

A combo of home treatment with prescribed medicines gets rid of most cases. Chronic Sinusitis follows an antibiotic therapy routine to achieve better results.

Sinusitis Evaluation

A medical evaluation for sinusitis symptoms performed by our doctors.

SnoringNoisy Breathing, restlessness and obstructed airflow

If snoring is a cause of sleep apnea, a CPAP machine may be the answer. Professionals will run tests to determine the cause of the sleep disorder and whether it’s chronic.

Stuffy NoseThick discharge, cough and adenoid enlargement

Antibiotics are prescribed by ENT professionals to quicken the recovery period. For children, removal of the adenoids is a surgery option for chronic conditions.

Loss of Smell

Also known as Anosmia, treatment options look at congestion, growths and current medication as effects. Obstructions are removed through decongestants with minor cases and surgeries in extreme ones.

Balloon Sinuplasty for Chronic Sinusitis:  Sinusitis treatment

Using balloon catheters, professionals widen sinus passages in their patient’s nostrils to accelerate better breathing.

Nose Bleeds

Nosebleeds can become a chronic condition if they’re associated with allergy symptoms. By combating the symptoms, the frequency of nosebleeds is slowed down considerably.

Surgical Services

If relief has not been achieved with previous treatments or if the CT scan indicates chronic sinus disease or obstruction of the sinuses, sinus surgery may be warranted and recommended.


Airway ProblemsAsthma, allergies and sinusitis

Finding triggers to the airway problem remains the best way to protect patients with this condition. Prescribed antihistamines and decongestants should be taken as necessary.

Allergy and Sinus:  Sneezing, congestion and fatigue

Prescription antihistamines and decongestants clear up nasal passageways. A stronger treatment uses immunotherapy as a way to get the body used to allergic triggers.

Pediatric Ear InfectionFever, fluid in the ear and trouble hearing

Antibiotics and over the counter pain relievers help to hold off worsening effects. Children are more likely than adults to be affected by a pediatric ear infection.

Tonsil Infection: Sore throat, coughing and swollen lymph glands

Known as Tonsillitis, when the condition is chronic it is treated with tonsillectomies. Less severe cases are prescribed antibiotics like penicillin.


Voice Disorders: Laryngitis, polyps and vocal cord weakness

Voice therapy sessions led by a licensed pathologist are generally recommended. Medications that relieve reflux and inflammation issues are helpful depending on the cause.


Dysphagia and Feeding ProblemsTrouble swallowing, hoarseness, reflux

Oropharyngeal dysphagia is treated by learning new techniques to stimulate swallowing muscles. Esophageal dysphagia or severe dysphagia requires surgery to make swallowing less painful.

Hoarseness: Change in pitch/volume of voice

Cough suppressants with rest are common ways to deal with hoarseness. If the condition is related to GERD, then that particular condition is treated instead.

LaryngitisSore throat, fever, hoarseness and cough

Laryngitis is treated by finding the cause and nullifying irritants in the environment. Tylenol and a prescribed pain relievers aid in the process to get well.

Reflux: Bloating, Dysphagia and Nausea

A professional will guide patients through the necessary lifestyle changes to ward off the symptoms. Antacids and a LINX device (surgery) are alternative options in more serious cases.