Allergy Injection Schedule
*Last Updated: 11/7/2024 at 1:08PM
44TH Street Location
MONDAY~11/4/24 AM: 7:45-11:30 PM: 1:00-2:30 **Doctor called to surgical emergency** TUESDAY~11/5/24 AM: 8:30-11:30 PM: 1:00-4:00 WEDNESDAY~11/6/24 AM: 9:45-11:30 PM: 1:30-3:45**OPENED HOURS** THURSDAY~11/7/24 AM: CLOSED PM: 1:00-3:45 FRIDAY~11/8/24 AM: 8:45-11:30 PM: CLOSED
Please note, it is required for patient’s to wait 25 mins following an injection/s. Please consider your wait time when coming in as we are unable to administer if you cannot wait your entire 25 mins due to safety reasons.
Michigan Street Location
MONDAY~ 11/4/24 AM: 8:00-11:30 PM: 1:00-3:30 TUESDAY~ 11/5/24 AM: 8:30-11:30 PM: 1:30-4:00**OPENED HOURS** WEDNESDAY~ 11/6/24 AM: 8:30-11:30 PM: 1:00-4:00**OPENED HOURS** THURSDAY~11/7/24 AM: CLOSED PM: CLOSED FRIDAY~ 11/8/24 AM: CLOSED** PM: 1:00-4:00**OPENED HOURS**
Please note, it is required for patient’s to wait 25 mins following an injection/s. Please consider your wait time when coming in as we are unable to administer if you cannot wait your entire 25 mins due to safety reasons.
ALLERGY FAX: 616-717-5090
The staff at Grand Rapids Ear, Nose, and Throat apologizes for any unexpected schedule changes which can impact your allergy care.