You might be having difficulty breathing through the nose. Perhaps, you are simply having issues with snoring or maybe sleep apnea. These are commonly caused by problems with your septum. If you speak to an ear, throat and nose specialist, you might find that they recommend septum surgery. Septum surgery is when the septum is changed or altered to make sure that it doesn’t continue to cause an issue in your life. Issues with the septum can impact your quality of life and may even cause pain, so it’s important to get this fixed if possible. However, before you rush to the surgery, there are a few things that you need to do to prepare for this change. So, let’s look at some of the steps that you should be taking here.

Learn all you can about the procedure

The first step is to make sure that you know everything you need to about the procedure and what it entails. As already mentioned this surgery is commonly used to adjust or repair your septum. The septum can be either broken or crooked, both of which may result in issues for you. In certain scenarios, it’s possible that septum surgery is only part of a procedure used to fix another issue. The surgery can be the first step and a way to access the nose.

Get physically ready

After you have learned a little more about the procedure and what it’s used for, you need to make sure that you are getting your body physically ready. You should make sure that you think about the medication that you’re on. You need to stop taking any meds at least a week before the surgery. This does include everything like aspirin and ibuprofen. Both can cause the blood to thin which will result in an increased chance of excess bleeding. As well as this, you may need to change your personal behavior. For instance, you need to think about smoking. Smokers will certainly need to stop before getting the surgery and be clean for at least a few weeks before and after the surgery. This is once again due to a potential chance of bleeding.

Check your diet

Unfortunately, you do need to think about your eating habits before you get this surgery. It’s crucial that you make sure you are not eating or drinking after midnight before the surgery. For most people, this will simply mean it’s necessary to skip breakfast completely and also skip any late night snacks. If you do accidentally eat or drink something, make sure you speak to your ear, nose and throat specialist for advice. It’s possible that the surgery will need to be canceled or postponed.

Ask questions

Finally, do make sure that you are asking your specialist any questions that you may have. Remember, septum surgery is a minor procedure, but it could still be quite frightening and worrisome for some people. The best way to calm your nerves is to get information from an expert who you trust.